VR Hot Air Balloon Ride enhanced with 4D effect using cy.PIPES

Line drawing of person pointing to a projection screen.


Frend, Chauncey. "VR Hot Air Balloon Ride enhanced with 4D effect using cy.PIPES." 17 Oct 2019. THECAAV19, Bloomington, IN.


This 4D VR simulation takes you on a two-minute journey through beautiful environments on a hot air balloon. Chauncey Frend, Sr. Analyst/Programmer in the IU Advanced Visualization Lab, developed this VR simulation as a demonstration of his cy.PIPES control technology which enables wind and heat effects that correspond with virtual environments.

Immersive simulations in advanced visualization research often aim to train end users on real-world processes. Using virtual reality (VR) for this purpose is usually a choice made to save cost and/or operate in a safe controlled environment. Immersive technology provides an illusion for human senses and traditional VR technology is equipped to stimulate sight and sound. Simulations that rely on realism may require more types of stimuli to complete the illusion of real-world scenarios.

The cy.PIPES control hardware is purpose built to allow for synchronization of effects devices with immersive simulations. Frend has worked with researchers on medical immersive simulations to provide the sensation of being outdoors for long-term patients of the intensive care unit. Health care professionals continue to study VR's potential benefits in contrast with cognitive capacity degradation or pain management.


Oct 2019

