Ancient Roman Busts Digitization & Reconstruction

A screenshot of the three stages of reconstruction done on the Julia Donma roman portrait bust.


The Eskenazi Research Team discovered pigments of paint left on several ancient roman portraits busts, including the busts of Julia Donma and Septimius Severus. In collaboration with Curator Juliet Graver Istrabadi, the AVL team digitized, reconstructed, and digitally painted the busts to how they potentially were presented nearly two thousand year in the past. These reconstructions were then published in a history book titled "Imperial Colors: The Roman Portrait Busts of Septimius Severus and Julia Donma" by Julie Van Voorhis, Mark Abbe, and Juliet Graver Istrabadi.


Eskenazi Museum of Art, Juliet Graver Istrabadi


Object Digitization, 3D Digital Reconstruction

Start Date

May 2022

End Date

Aug 2022