XR Initiative 2021

Person icon pointing at trophy sitting on a table all inside a white circle on a dark green square background.


On September 16th, 2021, The AVL participated in the XRI 2021 Initiative Open House at the IU Indy Center for Teaching and Learning, demonstrating advanced display technologies such as the Looking Glass, advanced imaging workflows, object and spatial capture workflows, and immersive media capture techniques optimized for headset-based XR experiences. Faculty and students were encouraged to apply what they learned at the Open House to their respective projects and to reach out to the AVL for further consultation.

Collaborating units have created the XR Initiative to showcase a series of presentations, demonstrations, and tours across campus to share innovative technologies with faculty, staff, and students. The XR Initiative launched with a half-day event that highlighted extended reality technologies such as the Oculus Quest VR headsets, the MERGE Cube, Google Cardboard VR Glasses, and more.

The XR Initiative is a collaboration among multiple units that will be developing future programming highlighting innovative technologies available for use in teaching and learning. This initiative hopes to inspire faculty to develop and implement course activities using these types of activities as well as informing students about how they can use these emerging technologies to enhance their studies at IU and inspire their future careers.


Sep 2021

