
UITS Advanced Visualization Lab (AVL)

The AVL promotes and supports the innovative application of visual technologies to enhance research, education, creative activity, and community outreach missions of Indiana University.

IU faculty utilize media display system

AVL systems and consulting services are provided as an integrated resource by the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology (OVPIT ) through the Research Technologies (RT-V) division of UITS, and are available for qualified IU students, faculty, and staff.

The majority of AVL display technologies are installed in a range of accessible campus spaces, such as lobbies, museums, workspaces, and Student Technology Centers (STCs); other advanced experimental imaging and visualization technologies are accessible by appointment in centrally located AVL spaces, such as the NEXT Labs at IU Bloomington and IU Indy.

The AVL also provides expert project consulting services, outreach and training opportunities, and learning resources related to visualization, advanced imaging, and advanced displays.